Northern Minnesota Injury Lawyer
North Shore & Twin Cities Dog Bite Injury Lawyer
A dog bite is a traumatic injury for anyone, and children usually suffer the most. It only takes a second to change a child’s life forever. Injuries to the mouth, nose, and ears of children are common. Often a person is familiar with the dog who attacked them, but sometimes a person can be attacked just walking down the sidewalk. Dog bites, and other animal bites, can be very painful and result in serious scars, tissue damage, and significant medical bills.
Unfortunately, the big insurance companies understand that too. The big insurance companies you see advertise on TV every day make millions and millions in profit every year by having professionally trained adjusters and defense lawyers in place to systematically prevent you from making reasonable legal claims.
After suffering a serious loss, most people are lost emotionally and financially. They develop post-traumatic stress disorder. The average person would struggle to pursue a serious insurance claim even without this nightmare.
All it takes is one phone call to Heartland Injury Law to begin getting the protection you need. One call and we begin investigating and preserving potential evidence. Call now for a free consultation.